English ↔ Turkish Book Translation by Merve Özcan

As an expert in English-Turkish book translation, I provide fluent, literary, and culturally adapted translations while preserving the essence of the text. By offering translation services for novels, stories, essays, and other literary genres, I help authors and publishers deliver their works to the target audience in the most accurate way.

Roman & Hikâye Çevirisi

Novel & Short Story Translation

With a deep understanding of the nuances of literature, I create original translations that preserve the author’s style and narrative voice.

Editöryel Çeviri & Düzeltme (Proofreading)

Editorial Translation & Proofreading

I refine the text by correcting grammar, fluency, and narrative errors after translation, ensuring it is ready for publication.

Kültürel ve Dilsel Yerelleştirme

Cultural and Linguistic Localization

I translate not only the words of literary works but also their cultural and narrative elements into the target language.

Pre-Publication Consulting

I offer consultancy and editorial services for publishers and independent authors during the translation process.

Do you want to translate your book into Turkish?

If you want to translate your book into English, feel free to reach out to me via the contact page or my email address to discuss further.

Book I Translated to Turkish

No.Turkish (if)English NameGenreAuthorTR Publish House
1İtalyan GüneşiThe Sicilian’s Baby BargainAşk, yetişkinPenny JordanHarlequin
2Yıllar SonraIn His Brother’s PlaceAşk, yetişkinElizabeth LaneHarlequin
3Kurucunun KızıThe Book of IvyBilim kurgu, gençlikAmy EngelYabancı Yayınları
4Kaçınılmaz (Kaçınılmaz 1)InescapableFantastik, gençlikAmy A. BartolYabancı Yayınları
5Sezgi (Kaçınılmaz 2)IntuitionFantastik, gençlikAmy A. BartolYabancı Yayınları
6Minnettar (Kaçınılmaz 3)IndebtedFantastik, gençlikAmy A. BartolYabancı Yayınları
7Keder (Kaçınılmaz 4)IncendiaryFantastik, gençlikAmy A. BartolYabancı Yayınları
8Kefaret (Kaçınılmaz 5)IniquityFantastik, gençlikAmy A. BartolYabancı Yayınları
9xEarthboundFantastik, gençlikAprilynne PikePegasus Yayınları
10xEarthquakeFantastik, gençlikAprilynne PikePegasus Yayınları
11Ölüm ÇemberiLove Story, with MurdersPolisiyeHarry BinghamYabancı Yayınları
12Bin ÖpücükOne Thousand Boy KissesGençlik, aşkTillie ColeYabancı Yayınları
13Yaz Gecesi RüyasıSummer’s LeaseAşk, yetişkinCarrie ElksHep Kitap
14Ay BizimkenWhen The Moon was OursFantastik, gençlikAnna-Marie McLemoreYabancı Yayınları
15Bir Kişisel Gelişememe KitabıHelp Me!KurgudışıMarianne PowerEpsilon Yayınları
16Kuantum CasusuThe Quantum SpyGizemDavid IgnatiusThe Kitap Yayınları
17Kayıp KardeşThe Second SisterPolisiyeClaire KendalThe Kitap Yayınları
18Tekboynuzum ve BenPhoebe and Her UnicornÇocukDana SimpsonAspendos Yayıncılık
19Tekerlekler ÜstündeUnicorn on a RollÇocukDana SimpsonAspendos Yayıncılık
20xUnicorn vs. GoblinsÇocukDana SimpsonAspendos Yayıncılık
21xRazzle Dazzle UnicornÇocukDana SimpsonAspendos Yayıncılık
22Sonsuz AyrıntıInfinite DetailBilim kurgu, yetişkinTim MaughanThe Kitap Yayınları
23Milyarder ve KeşişThe Billionaire and The MonkKurgudışıVibhor Kumar SinghNepal Kitap
24Hannah Gardiner’ı Kim Öldürdü?In the DarkPolisiyeCara HunterOlimpos Yayınları
25On Bir’i Yıkmak (On Bir 2)Unraveling ElevenBilim kurgu, gençlikJerri ChisholmOlimpos Yayınları
26Sıradışı Yıldızların IşığıLight From Uncommon Stars Fantastik, gençlikRyka Aoki Eksik Parça
27İşaretli’nin Şarkısı (Gölgeler ve Hükümdarlar 1)The Song of the MarkedAşktastik, yetişkinS.M. GaitherOlimpos Yayınları
28Damsel: Savaşçı PrensesDamselFantastik, gençlikEvelyn SkyeEksik Parça
29Son İntikam (Şeytan Gecesi 3)Kill SwitchYetişkin, kara aşkPenelope DouglasDEX Kitap
30Karanlık Şafak (Şeytan Gecesi 4)NightfallYetişkin, kara aşkPenelope DouglasDEX Kitap
31xCity of Last ChancesFantastik, yetişkinAdrian TchaikovskyEksik Parça
32Untethered SkyUntethered SkyFantastik, yetişkinFonda LeeEksik Parça
33xHøjsangen fra Palermovej
(When Life Gives You Hippos)
YetişkinAnnette BjergfeldtHep Kitap
34xThe Ministry of TimeBilim kurgu, yetişkinKaliane BradleyEksik Parça
35xRage and Ruin (Haberci 2)Fantastik, gençlikJennifer L. ArmentroutDEX Kitap
36xGrace and Glory (Haberci 3)Fantastik, gençlikJennifer L. ArmentroutDEX Kitap
Books Merve Ozcan Translated to Turkish


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Frequently Asked Questions

Find FAQs and answers below.

I want to translate my book into Turkish. How do we work together?
We can start by emailing me through the contact section or at mrvzcn@outlook.com. Then, based on your requests and goals, we will create a project using either a sample text or the entire manuscript. After both parties approve, we can begin working together.

Do you do editing after the translation?
Yes! After completing the translation, I make the necessary revisions to ensure a result that both you and I are satisfied with.

How do you price your services?
First, we need to discuss the character and word count of the text, the format it will be sent in, whether it has already been proofread, etc. Once all details are agreed upon, we can finalize the pricing. For more detailed information, feel free to reach out via email.

How long does translation take?
The translation time depends on the length of the book, the difficulty of the language, and your specific requests. On average, translating a novel can take a few months. For a more accurate estimate, please contact me directly.

Turkish Translations

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